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RizeUp to end domestic Violence

RizeUp to end Domestic Violence

RizeUp to end Domestic Violence

Helping victims of family violence sleep, more comfortably 

Everyone should enjoy a restful night’s sleep, especially the brave parents and children escaping the unimaginable horror of domestic and family violence.

Everyone deserves to feel safe and live without violence. We are passionate about helping families affected by domestic and family violence and are committed supporters of the community-driven not-for-profit organisation, RizeUp Australia.

Who is RizeUp?

RizeUp Australia is dedicated to educating the community, empowering victims and ultimately, ending domestic violence. RizeUp facilitates a variety of community-based programs and initiatives to provide practical assistance and support to the many families affected by domestic and family violence.

Family violence takes an enormous toll on the lives of victims, especially children who experience or witness abuse. Thousands of families need support, every day. 

Why we support RizeUp? 

Victims of domestic and family violence need to feel safe and have somewhere to sleep – fast. That’s where RizeUp has made a real difference for survivors seeking a safe, secure place to call home. Through its many programs and with the generosity of community and corporate donations, RizeUp helps families leaving emergency refuge accommodation to move into purposefully-designed, fully-equipped homes, specific to each family’s needs. Every effort is made to transform houses into sanctuaries away from harm and violence where they can reconnect with their communities and ongoing support networks.

Ergoflex Australia is proud to partner with RizeUp and donate our mattresses to this inspirational and proactive initiative. We hope our small gift will help people who have experienced family violence to sleep more comfortably, so they can begin to heal and rebuild their lives.


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On the land and waters that we sleep, we walk, and we live, we acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of these lands. We pay respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and recognise their connection to the land.

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