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How to de-smell your new memory foam mattress


There is nothing like sleeping on a memory foam mattress, no other material is able to mould itself so perfectly to each and every sleeper’s exact body shape and posture. Memory foam has changed the way people sleep, in effect making every other mattress material obsolete in one fell swoop. If you haven’t upgraded your sleeping to the future mattress then it is high time that you looked into one of these thoroughbred beds.

It does need to be pointed out though that new memory foam mattresses have a distinct smell, a oil based odour, that some people find unpleasant. Fortunately, this smell doesn’t last long and there are a few things you can do to make it disappear quicker.

Remove the outer cover and put in the washing machine. Whilst you are doing this, open the windows and put a bowl of water in the bedroom with a few splashes of vinegar in it - this acts as a deodoriser and will draw any odour lingering in the room.
With 2 hands go round each area of the mattress and depress and 'pump' it a few times to ensure that that air that was drawn in when the vacuum sealed bag was opened is expelled from the mattress - it's this that will carry the residual odour of the newly manufactured foam. Put the machine washed outer cover back on to the mattress and make up your bed.

It's worth noting that there is no point in simply leaving the mattress to air in a room for several days or weeks as this will not improve things - the air around the core of the mattress must be expelled to expedite the complete removal of the smell - this happens naturally for most people by lying on it and with normal use.

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*Free mattress returns not applicable to all locations.

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