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A Calm Arrangement- Feng Shui Tips for your Bedroom


The placement of objects automatically shapes a room’s space and mood. Feng Shui, the Chinese, almost formulaic approach to the arrangement of space, is well-known as a simple strategy in which energy flow known as Qi is balanced. The term Qi, pronounced chee is based on the idea of the contrasting, elemental forces present within the natural world and how they interconnect, which is generally described by the umbrella term Yin and Yang, which is also recognised as a black and white logo that demonstrates the interdependency of two halves as they form a whole. The bedroom may well be the place in which to practice Feng Shui, as lengthy periods of time or spent here, restoring our own energy levels.

Feng Shui translates as ‘wind-water’, which reveals elemental contrast, as well as strong sources of energy. The system of aesthetics relies on the laws astronomy and geography, originally described as the laws of heaven and earth.

Simple Feng Shui tips include:

- The Bed: The main focus of the bedroom should be a well-balanced and attractive, so it entices the sleeper. A lopsided bed space is instantly less attractive. By placing a bedside table either side of the bed, with matching lamps, a symmetrical arrangement is created. A good mattress, solid headboard and sheets made of natural fibres can also enhance the bed’s ability to provide the next day with the benefits associated with a refreshed night’s sleep.

- Removing electrical Equipment: Expelling the television, computer and exercise equipment from the serene domain of the bedroom can be the first step to reclaiming a restful space. Negative sources of energy, associated with activity rather than relaxation are banished, simultaneously removing clutter from the room so that sleep is not compromised.

- Open the windows: A freshness can infused into every fibre of the room by simply airing the bedroom regularly, which breathes new energy into the space and displaces stale air that can lead to an oppressive atmosphere, just as the same outdoor freshness that fixes itself to bed sheets that have been hung out to dry, acts as a makeshift sedative. Other ways to create a fragrant atmosphere lie in the introduction of essential oils, which can be dispersed through a candle diffuser or incense burner. The scents of rose, ylang ylang, jasmine and lavender are all praised for their calming properties.

- Lighting: Having several levels of lighting in your bedroom can create subtle dimensions in a room, as an array of soft lighting acts as an unwinding aid. Light is also the ultimate source of energy and a primary nutrient, making its presence and character in the bedroom a vital ingredient for relaxation.

- Colours: The shades used to furnish a bedroom create a specific ambience that lasts until the decor is changed. Many rooms can feel smaller or larger depending on the colours that are adopted. Colour can also have an impact on mood, for instance a bright yellow sunflower can have a different effect on us compared to a deep red rose, just as a blue sky and grey clouds can produce contrasting feelings. The ways in which we use colour, be it predominantly light or dark with accents of a brighter colour dramatically influence how we feel in a space. The best Feng Shui colours for the bedroom are skin colours, which range from pale pinks to deep browns. This also ties in with the nature of sleep, as exposed skin is a dominant feature of sleeping and the bed. It therefore makes sense that we feel most peaceful when we are surrounded or embraced by a bedroom environment rich in the silky softness of skin tones.

- Art: Images carry powerful energy. It is best to choose art that depicts scenes you would want reflected in your own life, something that creates a window into positivity, rather than images of loneliness for example. The bedroom should be somewhere that enhances a sense of well-being.

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