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Ergoflex blog

How to Relieve Earache Pain Fast and Get More Sleep

How to Relieve Earache Pain Fast and Get More Sleep


When you are all wrapped up in your warmest clothing and the cold weather doesn’t seem to trouble you, stepping out into the cool air on a winter morning can be both fun and refreshing. However, on those unfortunate occasions when you happen to leave your hat behind, and the chilly wind blows past...

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How to Relieve Toothache at Night and Get More Sleep

How to Relieve Toothache at Night and Get More Sleep


Toothache is a fairly common ailment that most of us have been unfortunate enough to experience at some point in our lives. Toothache refers to pain in and/or around a tooth or jaws, and it can be felt in multiple ways; the pain may come and go, or it could be a constant ache. Toothache may also get...

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7 Interesting & Fun Facts About Sleepwalking

7 Interesting & Fun Facts About Sleepwalking


Sleepwalking is pretty crazy when you think about it, when we are asleep the most movement the majority of us do is to roll over and hog the blankets, but some people do more, a lot more. Some will get up and walk around, opening doors and wandering around the house. Those are the mild sleepwalkers....

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What is the best sleep position to sleep in?

What is the best sleep position to sleep in?


Ok, so there are a bunch of different ways of sleeping, right? You may be flat out on your back, curled up on your side or even snuggled into your partner. Do these have any impacts on you or are they all the same in the end? As it turns out, sleeping in different positions can have a range of different...

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6 reasons you snore

6 reasons you snore


Do you snore? No doubt if you do the way you found out was because your girlfriend or wife has told you over and over and over and over and over again! Yes, we get it, snoring is annoying, for you at least! But seriously, snoring is actually really horrible for the person listening to it, but it can...

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The real-life horror story of the man who was awake for 200 hours

The real-life horror story of the man who was awake for 200 hours


How bad do you think it would be to stay awake for 200 hours solid? For most of us, missing one night of sleep is bad enough and the thought of missing about 8 nights of sleep in a row is beyond horrifying. For one man, radio DJ Peter Tripp, it was a truly horrifying experience, and one he never got...

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How To Remove Cat Or Dog Pee From Memory Foam Mattress


Oh dear, you have let Fido or Felix sleep in or on your bed and the pet has gone and peed on there. Never fear, as long as you act quick you can save your mattress. Here is a method for removing pet stains as sent in by one of our customers: 1. Straight away you need to try and remove as much of the...

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Living under a flight path


If you live under the flight path of an airport you will understand how noisy they are, the planes roaring overhead make more than just a sound, they often shake the building around you as well. Most airports either close down during the night or have very few flights. However some of the bigger...

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How to fake a good sleep


You can fake a lot of things in life, like pretending you are happy with the present someone has given you when really you hate it, but you would not have thought that you could fake sleep... but you can, or at least you can fake feeling more energised if you have had a bad night’s sleep. Trick...

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What is the Best Bed Base for a Memory Foam Mattress?

What is the Best Bed Base for a Memory Foam Mattress?


You have bought yourself a memory foam mattress, well done! This is one of the best investments you can make to improve your sleep, but you are not sure of which bed base is best for a memory foam mattress? Choosing the right bed base for your memory foam mattress can be difficult with so many different...

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It is normal to wake up at night?


It is received wisdom that when you close your eyes at night it is natural to sleep all the way through to morning and anything else is an aberration. So deeply ingrained in us is this belief that when we wake in the middle of the night most of us stress about getting back to sleep as fast as possible...

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Can I Stop My Memory Foam Mattress From Yellowing?

Can I Stop My Memory Foam Mattress From Yellowing?


Your Ergoflex memory foam mattress will last many years giving you night after night of incredible comfort and sublime support, but like all good things, your memory foam mattress is not immune to ageing Here at Ergoflex, we know that one thing that some people get concerned about is that as their...

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On the land and waters that we sleep, we walk, and we live, we acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of these lands. We pay respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and recognise their connection to the land.

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