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The Anti-Bed Bug Mattresses


Bed bugs have been a scourge up until the mid 20th Century when massive improvements in public health and they were basically eradicated from the Western world. Regrettably, bed bugs have made a resurgence, with an remarkable and frightening 5000% increase in bed bug infestations in Australia over the past decade. If you wake in the morning with itchy red spots, then you’ve probably got a bed bug infestation.

Bed bugs love dark, warm places, which is why they love beds. Old fashioned spring mattresses provide the perfect sanctuary and the ideal feeding ground as they have a hollow core where the bed bugs thrive and multiply. Ergoflex memory foam mattresses have a solid core and have a layered, composite structure, making them a less attractive habitat. Memory foam has a cellular form with internally hermitic bubbles within the foam, meaning that there is no way bed bugs can get inside the mattress. Also, Ergoflex mattresses are treated using a state of the art anti-allergenic formula that repels the repellent bed bugs.

Not only are Ergoflex memory foam mattresses far more comfortable and supportive than lumpy old spring mattresses but they are far less prone to bed bug infestation, meaning you are going to get a better night’s sleep, no matter what.

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